About the Tchaikovsky competition and piano in particular

  • Автор темы tataludwig75
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беглец с ноева ковчега

Ответ: About the Tchaikovsky competition and piano in particular

In my opinion, Miroslav Kultyshev is the best!
Do you agree?
well, thank you very much for this informative and interesting insight, but don't forget to save some stamina for the russian section of the forum. That is were you will need it if you dare to state something like this.


Ответ: About the Tchaikovsky competition and piano in particular

well, thank you very much for this informative and interesting insight, but don't forget to save some stamina for the russian section of the forum. That is were you will need it if you dare to state something like this.
My dear, please no hard feelings!:angel:
I think you should mind your own business, I've just uttered my honest opinion regarding brilliant Miroslav,he really turns me on:love:, does it bother you?:roll:
What is more, I wish Miroslav would win!!:p He's so talented:appl:
I would be delighted to chat with very nice Keiko, domingo196 and other friends:)
Well... беглец с ноева ковчега, please keep your shirt on and lay off.:mona:

беглец с ноева ковчега

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Ответ: About the Tchaikovsky competition and piano in particular

<skipped>Well, this is not the right place and the best time.
Sorry, I'm afraid you didn't understand me in this context:) .
If I'd written " I hang up on him" , it wouldn't be the right place and time,I agree;). I've just written "he turns me on". There is a big difference (and different meanings):-o.
You know...talented playing of my colleagues always turns me on:solution:, not only Kultyshev... it depends.:)


Uadui Zakharenkova and Salov

I will fix them when I return home from mz holidaz. I am in London all this week. I love Wilmbledon too.


Moser Parents

I am sorry. I should have said that I found this information on the internet. I read it onthe internet, but I do not have the klink right now because I am on holidaz. Sorry for this

Dear Jose,
Thank you for the great job!
I regret to say, some of links specified to the mp3files on your site doesn't work properly - the audios of Zakharenkova and Salov seemed to be not available.
Please, advise if you try to reclaim these ones.
Thank you
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::oops: How long have you thaught about, to come to this genious idea???

I know Benjamin for very long time and I ensure you, he is not at all jewish and even less russian.

His mother is from Canada and his father is really german MOSER.



Zakharenkova and Salov

Zakharenkova and Salov files are there
I am back from London.


OK, boys and girls

now the competition is over. Lets not just "GO AWAY" some of us would like to continue this conversations. Now, who has the finals recordigs of the live streaming. Please tell me that some of you go it. Please.


Ответ: OK, boys and girls

now the competition is over. Lets not just "GO AWAY" some of us would like to continue this conversations. Now, who has the finals recordigs of the live streaming. Please tell me that some of you go it. Please.

Does this mean we can expect that you will post the third round files at some point soon as well? Thanks for the second round, even if the third isn't in the plans. I've directed many friends to that site - those who couldn't hear the competition live!

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